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SOAP Enumeration EnrollmentFlags

Enumeration list for the various flags supported by the BWS enrollment operation.

[DataContract(Namespace = "")]
public enum EnrollmentFlags
    None = 0x00,
    OverwriteExisitingData = 0x01
    LiveFaceDetection = 0x10,
    LivePeriocularDetection = 0x20


No specific enrollments flags are specified.


Deprecated! Do not use this flag any more! The functionality associated with this flag has been removed. The behaviour of the overwrite flag can simply be reproduced by calling DeleteClass before enrolling any new data on the corresponding class.


With this flag the face live data detection gets activated. In this case the operation typically fails, as soon as it cannot undoubtedly determine that the given data is live data.


With this flag the periocular live data detection gets activated. In this case the operation typically fails, as soon as it cannot undoubtedly determine that the given data is live data.