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gRPC Method LivenessDetection

Performs liveness detection on one or two live images. Depending on the number of live images and the tags provided in the call, different versions of our liveness detection will be executed:

One image: Only passive liveness detection will be performed. Due to the limitation to a single image, only the texture based liveness detection can be used to make a decision.

Two images: Passive and active liveness detection will be performed. Beside of the texture based liveness detection on each of the provided images a motion based 3D detection on each two consecutive images is executed. All decisions must indicate a live person to finally declare the entire call as live.

Two images with tagged second image: Passive and active liveness detection will be performed. Additionally a challenge-response mechanism is applied. As we have a motion direction calculated for the face found in the second image, we can check whether this is the same direction as demanded by the tags, i.e. whether the head moved up, down, left or right as requested. Also refer to the Liveness Detection Modes.

Service method definition

The LivenessDetection API is defined as a unary RPC:

rpc LivenessDetection (LivenessDetectionRequest) returns (LivenessDetectionResponse);

message LivenessDetectionRequest {
    repeated ImageData live_images = 1;
message LivenessDetectionResponse {
    JobStatus status = 1;
    repeated JobError errors = 2;
    repeated ImageProperties image_properties = 3;
    bool live = 4;
    double liveness_score = 5;


The LivenessDetectionRequest message has a single field:

A list of one or two ImageData messages containing the live images. If a second image is provided, the tags of these images can optionally be used for challenge-response.

The maximum API request size is 50 MB.

Request Headers

This API requires a valid JWT in the Authorization request header and accepts an optional reference number.

Authorization Required Bearer authentication. Please refer to BWS API Authentication for a description of how to provide a valid JWT here.
Reference-Number Optional, client specific reference number, which will be added to the BWS bookkeeping as well as to the response header. You typically use this reference to link the resulting BWS bookkeeping entries with your logs.


On success the API returns a LivenessDetectionResponse message with the fields as follows:

The status of the BWS job that processed the request. The following fields are typically only set, when the job has succeeded.
A list of errors that might have occurred while the request has been processed.
The calculated image properties for each of the provided images in the given order.
The liveness decision made by BWS. If this field is set to true, the provided images are supposed to be recorded from a live person. No errors are reported in this case. When this field is set to false, there is at least one error reported that explains, why the provided images are not supposed to be recorded from a live person.

An informative liveness score (a value between 0.0 and 1.0) that reflects the confidence level of the live decision. The higher the score, the more likely the person is a live person. If this score is exactly 0.0, it has not been calculated and an error has been be reported.

The liveness score is the average of all calculated passive and active liveness detection scores. For the liveness decision, the individual passive and active liveness detection scores are used.

BWS Errors

In case that the live field is set to false, at least one of the following errors is reported in the errors field:

No suitable face was found in at least one of the provided images.
More than one face has been found in at least one of the provided images.
None of the found faces could be extracted, typically because they are too close to the edge. There should have been reported one or more FullyVisibleFace quality check results.
At least one of the live images seem not to be recorded from a live person.
The 3D detector observed some unnatural motion.
At least one of the head-movement challenge-response criteria (as provided in the tags of the second image) was not fulfilled.

gRPC Errors

Beside of the success return status code OK (0), this call might also return one of the following gRPC error status codes to indicate an error:

Cancelled (1)
Client application cancelled the request.
Unknown (2)
Server experienced some unexpected behaviour.
InvalidArgument (3)
Client specified an invalid argument:
  • No live images have been provided.
  • Too many images have been provided. Only one (passive liveness detection) or two (active liveness detection) images are supported.
  • The service cannot decode the provided input data, e.g. because the format cannot be detected or the image is too big.
DeadlineExceeded (4)
Deadline expired before operation could complete.
Internal (13)
Internal errors. Means some invariants expected by underlying system has been broken. If you see one of these errors, something is very broken. Can happen if the configuration of the service ins invalid, an authenticated client cannot be found any more or any other unexpected exception occurs.
Unavailable (14)
The service is currently unavailable. This is a most likely a transient condition and may be corrected by retrying with a backoff.
Unauthenticated (16)
The request does not have valid authentication credentials for the operation.

Response Headers/Trailers

All successful BWS gRPC calls return a response header and a response trailer containing additional information about the request:

Response Header
jobid The Job-ID (a GUID) that has been assigned to this BWS call.
bws-version The version of the BWS gRPC service.
reference-number An optional reference number as provided in the request header.
date The timestamp when the request has been received at the server.
... Other headers that might have been added by the server (NGINX, Kestrel, ...) that was handling the request.
Response Trailer
response-time-ms The timespan im milliseconds the request spent at the BWS service.
... Other trailers, like exception trailers, which are added by the gRPC framework in case an RPC exception occurred.


Here is a short example of how to call into the LivenessDetection gRPC API using live images loaded from files.

Please refer to BWS API Authentication for a description of the methods CreateAuthenticatedChannel and GenerateToken.

The tooling package Grpc.Tools can be used to generate the C# assets from the bws.proto file. Refer to overview for gRPC on .NET to learn more about how to call into a gRPC service with a .NET client.

    using GrpcChannel channel = CreateAuthenticatedChannel(new Uri(options.Host), GenerateToken(options.ClientId, options.Key));
    var client = new BioIDWebService.BioIDWebServiceClient(channel);
    var request = new LivenessDetectionRequest();
    foreach (string file in options.Files)
        request.LiveImages.Add(new ImageData { Image = ByteString.CopyFrom(File.ReadAllBytes(file)) });
    var call = client.LivenessDetectionAsync(request);
    LivenessDetectionResponse response = await call.ResponseAsync.ConfigureAwait(false);
    // ...
    Console.WriteLine($"This was live: {response.Live} (confidence: {response.LivenessScore:F2})");
catch (RpcException ex)
    Console.Error.WriteLine($"gRPC error from calling service: {ex.Status.StatusCode} - '{ex.Status.Detail}'");

To generate Java classes from a bws.proto file use the Protobuf compiler (protoc) with the command in cmd or in terminal : protoc --java_out=OUTPUT_DIR bws.proto For gRPC client stubs, add the gRPC plugin and use the command: protoc --java_out=OUTPUT_DIR --grpc-java_out=OUTPUT_DIR --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-java=PATH_TO_PLUGIN bws.proto For a detailed step by step guide on protobuf usage with Java, please refer to Java detailed guide

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import io.grpc.ManagedChannel;
import io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException;
import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver;

public void livenessDetectionAsync(byte[] liveImage1, byte[] liveImage2)
        String jwtToken = generateToken(options.clientId, option.secretKey, options.expireMinutes);
        ManagedChannel channel = createAuthenticatedChannel(, jwtToken);

        BioIDWebServiceStub bwsClientAsync = BioIDWebServiceGrpc.newStub(channel);
        LivenessDetectionRequest livenessRequest = LivenessDetectionRequest.newBuilder()

            CompletableFuture <LivenessDetectionResponse> livenessResult = new CompletableFuture <>();
            bwsClientAsync.livenessDetection(livenessRequest, new StreamObserver <LivenessDetectionResponse>() {
            public void onNext(LivenessDetectionResponse value)
            public void onError(Throwable t)
            public void onCompleted()
        LivenessDetectionResponse livenessDetecionResponse = livenessResult.get();
        System.out.printf("This was live: %s - Confidence: %f", livenessDetecionResponse.getLive(), livenessDetecionResponse.getLivenessScore());
    catch (StatusRuntimeException ex)
        System.err.printf("gRPC error from calling service: %s - '%s'", ex.getStatus(), ex.getStatus().getDescription());
    catch (Exception ex)
        System.err.printf("Error processing images: " + ex.getMessage());

Using the protocol buffer compiler protoc (install: python -m pip install grpcio-tools) from the Phython gRPC tools you can create the Phyton client code from the .proto service definition:
python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. bws.proto

import grpc
import bws_pb2_grpc
import bws_pb2

token = GenerateToken(args.clientid, args.key, 10)
with CreateAuthenticatedChannel(, token) as channel:
    stub = bws_pb2_grpc.BioIDWebServiceStub(channel)
    request = bws_pb2.LivenessDetectionRequest()
    for img_file in args.images:
        with open(img_file, 'rb') as f:
        response = stub.LivenessDetection(request)
    except grpc.RpcError as rpc_error:
        print("Received error: ", rpc_error)

    print response