Playground biometrics demo BioID home page

Before you begin - Register for a trial subscription

Unless you already have an active BWS subscription, please first get yourself a BWS trial subscription at the BWS Portal, which will provide you with the necessary information for your BWS client. For this you need a BioID account with a confirmed email address.

With your BWS subscription you can create new BWS clients to receive the necessary information to call into the BWS:

  • The BWS host URL: the URL of a host, you can use to call into the BWS API.
  • A client-ID: the client-ID uniquely identifies your client.
  • One or more encryption keys (also called client keys): you have to use one of the keys to sign your JWT for authentication. The keys provided by the BWS portal are currently 512 bit symmetric keys, which are fine to create JSON web signatures using a HMAC SHA-512 algorithm.

The BWS Portal is also the place where you manage your subscription, clients and keys and where you can analyze your usage and inspect the bookeeping- and log-entries generated by your clients.