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RESTful JSON API PhotoVerify

Performs a one-to-one comparison of the submitted live images with the submitted ID photo in order to verify whether the live images and ID photo belong to the same person.

Additionally, if not explicitely denied, liveness detection is performed on the provided live images. This is done by internally calling into the LivenessDetection API.

PhotoVerify is a service, which uses one photo, e.g. a passport image from an ID document, and compares that to one or two "live" images of a person, to find out whether the persons shown are the same. No classes are created, no templates or patterns are stored. It fulfills all requirements for an anonymous ID proofing service.

To make a decision about the similarity of the photo and the live images, an accuracy level is calculated (returned in the verification_level field). The higher the accuracy level, the better the faces on the images match. We highly recommend to use high accuracy levels, at least level 4, for your decision. Lower accuracy levels can be used with low quality ID photos (e.g. scanned passport images), where a higher accuracy cannot be reached any more.


POST /api/v1/photoverify

Request Body

Content type: application/json

  "liveImages": [
      "image": "string",
      "tags": [
  "photo": "string",
  "disableLivenessDetection": false

The PhotoVerify request object has a the fields as follows:

A list of one or two live images. If two images are provided and liveness detection is not disabled, the tags of the second image can optionally be used for challenge-response. The image data itself needs to be base64 encoded of course.
The ID-photo image. The image data needs to be base64 encoded.
By default this API automatically calls into the LivenessDetection API with the provided liveImages. If you do not want to perform a liveness detection at all, simply set this flag to true.

Request Headers

This API requires a valid JWT in the Authorization request header and accepts an optional reference number.

Authorization Required Bearer authentication. Please refer to BWS API Authentication for a description of how to provide a valid JWT here.
Reference-Number Optional, client specific reference number, which will be added to the BWS bookkeeping as well as to the response header. You typically use this reference to link the resulting BWS bookkeeping entries with your logs.


Response Body

Content type: application/json

  "status": "SUCCEEDED",
  "errors": [
      "errorCode": "string",
      "message": "string"
  "imageProperties": [
      "rotated": 0,
      "faces": [
          "leftEye": {
            "x": 0,
            "y": 0
          "rightEye": {
            "x": 0,
            "y": 0
          "textureLivenessScore": 0,
          "motionLivenessScore": 0,
          "movementDirection": 0
      "qualityScore": 0,
      "qualityAssessments": [
          "check": "string",
          "score": 0,
          "message": "string"
      "frameNumber": 0
  "photoProperties": {
    "rotated": 0,
    "faces": [
        "leftEye": {
          "x": 0,
          "y": 0
        "rightEye": {
          "x": 0,
          "y": 0
        "textureLivenessScore": 0,
        "motionLivenessScore": 0,
        "movementDirection": 0
    "qualityScore": 0,
    "qualityAssessments": [
        "check": "string",
        "score": 0,
        "message": "string"
    "frameNumber": 0
  "verificationLevel": "NOT_RECOGNIZED",
  "verificationScore": 0,
  "live": true,
  "livenessScore": 0

On success the API returns a PhotoVerify response object with the fields as follows:

The status of the BWS job that processed the request. The following fields are typically only set, when the job has succeeded.
A list of errors that might have occurred while the request has been processed.
The calculated image properties for each of the provided images in the given order.
The calculated image properties of the provided ID photo.

The actual level of accuracy the specified photo complies with. A decision about the similarity of the photo and the live images should be made on this response field. We recommend to at least only accept accuracy level 4 or higher.

The calculated accuracy level correlates with a false accepted rate (FAR) as follows:

Level 5FAR of 0.001%very high propability that the persons on the images are the same - the identity can be seen as approved
Level 4FAR of 0.01%good propability that the persons on the images are the same - recommended as minimum accepted level
Level 3FAR of 0.1%moderate accuracy level
Level 2FAR of 0.25%a relatively high false acceptance rate, should be the lowest acceptable level when using bad photo scans
Level 1FAR of 0.5%we do not recommend to use this level, which is intended for really bad ID photos only
Not recognizedNot recognized at all.when reported with no additional error, the photo simply does not match with the live image(s)

An informative verification score (a value between 0.0 and 1.0) that reflects the verification level. The higher the score, the more likely the live images and ID photo belong to the same person. If this score is exactly 0.0, it has not been calculated.

Since this score is based on the model currently used by PhotoVerify, we advise against using it for decision-making. It is intended for informational purposes only.
The liveness decision made by BWS. If this field is set to true, the provided images are supposed to be recorded from a live person. No errors are reported in this case. When this field is set to false, there is at least one error reported that explains, why the provided images are not supposed to be recorded from a live person.

An informative liveness score (a value between 0.0 and 1.0) that reflects the confidence level of the live decision. The higher the score, the more likely the person is a live person. If this score is exactly 0.0, it has not been calculated and an error has been be reported.

The liveness score is the average of all calculated passive and active liveness detection scores. For the liveness decision, the individual passive and active liveness detection scores are used.

BWS Errors

In case that the live field is set to false, at least one of the following errors is reported in the errors field:

No suitable face was found in at least one of the provided images.
More than one face has been found in at least one of the provided images.
None of the found faces could be extracted, typically because they are too close to the edge. There should have been reported one or more FullyVisibleFace quality check results.
At least one of the live images seem not to be recorded from a live person.
The 3D detector observed some unnatural motion.
At least one of the head-movement challenge-response criteria (as provided in the tags of the second image) was not fulfilled.

HTTP Status Codes

The call returns one of the standard HTTP status codes, e.g.:

200 (OK)
The response body contains the LivenessDetection response object as described above.
400 (Bad Request)
The call failed, typically due to an invalid argument. The response body contains a JSON object with the reported gRPC error code and message.
401 (Unauthorized)
The request does not have valid authentication credentials for the operation.
408 (Request Timeout)
Client application cancelled the request.
500 (Internal Server Error)
Server experienced some unexpected behaviour.
503 (Service Unavailable)
The service is currently unavailable. This is a most likely a transient condition and may be corrected by retrying with a backoff.

Response Headers

All successful BWS calls return a response header containing additional information about the request:

jobid The Job-ID (a GUID) that has been assigned to this BWS call.
bws-version The version of the BWS gRPC service.
reference-number An optional reference number as provided in the request header.
date The timestamp when the request has been received at the server.
... Other headers that might have been added by the server (NGINX, Kestrel, ...) that was handling the request.


Here is a short example of how to call into the PhotoVerify RESTful JSON API using live images and a photo loaded from files.

Please refer to BWS API Authentication for a description of the methods CreateAuthenticatedClient and GenerateToken.

This sample code makes use of some C# JSON data transfer objects, which you can find in the BwsJsonDto.cs source file.

using HttpClient httpClient = CreateAuthenticatedClient(new Uri(options.Host), GenerateToken(options.ClientId, options.Key));
var request = new PhotoVerifyRequest {
    Photo = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(options.Photo)),
    DisableLivenessDetection = false };
foreach (string file in options.Files)
    request.LiveImages.Add(new ImageData { Image = Convert.ToBase64String(File.ReadAllBytes(file)) });
var response = await httpClient.PostAsync("/api/v1/photoverify", JsonContent.Create(request));
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
    var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<PhotoVerifyResponse>();
    // ...
    Console.WriteLine($"VerificationLevel: {responseContent.VerificationLevel} ({responseContent.VerificationScore})");
    Console.WriteLine($"Live: {responseContent.Live} ({responseContent.LivenessScore})");
    Console.WriteLine($"Server response: {response.StatusCode}");