To install the BioID Web Service (BWS) on a local IT infrastructure (on-premises) you need to consider a few basic requirements:
To access the BioID BWS Portal and the BioID Container Registry a BioID Connect Account is required. If you do not have an account, you can register at BioID Connect — it is highly recommended to confirm your email address and it is necessary to enable multifactor login by creating a biometric template and TOTP.
With your BioID Connect Account please login to the BioID BWS Portal and to the BioID Container Registry at least once. Now let your contact person at BioID know your email address (you used with the BioID Connect Account) so that we can create the necessary projects and assign the required permissions to your account.
To install BWS, an existing MongoDB Database is required. You can use any kind of MongoDB installation (Community, Enterprise, Atlas, ...),
whereby we recommend to use at least the latest stable release version or newer.
Depending on your environment, you can install MongoDB by following the instructions on the official mongodb website.
Alternatively you can deploy MongoDB as a Pod/Deployment in your Kubernetes cluster.
If you are running in Azure (i.e. you use Azure Kubernetes Services), you can also use a Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB account as database. Simply use your Cosmos DB for MongoDB connection string as provided by Azure, but also add the database name to this connection string (as shown below).
In the following you need to have a connection string to a MongoDB database available, which not only specifies the MongoDB server host,
but also the database name ("bws" in this example) and any required settings to get write access to this database, e.g. something like:
For your company a project in the BioID Container Registry should have been created containing the most recent BWS Docker images. Your BioID Connect Account should have been granted the required permissions to access this project.
To use the Docker- or Helm-CLI to access this project, login to the BioID Container Registry, click onto your username, select User Profile and copy your CLI secret. With this secret you should now be able to access via Docker using:
docker login -u {username} -p {CLI-secret}
Optionally you can now already download the needed images for a BWS on-premises installation explicitly:
docker pull{project}/bwsportal-onprem:{version}
docker pull{project}/bwsgrpc-onprem:{version}
Note that we typically try to use the same version for all our images, but this is not necessarily always the case.