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Renewal of the license

After installing the on-premise version, copy your public RSA key to the BioID BWS Portal (Cloud). You will receive the first protection key and activate the on-premises license.

To renew the license, you must export/import the signed usage report. Once this has been uploaded to the BioID Portal, you can request a new protection key. After the protection key has been imported into your on-premises version, the license will be renewed automatically.

Automatic license renewal

In your on-prem BWS Portal installation, a background service is running that updates your license automatically on a daily basis. This requires that the Portal has access to the internet!

If your on-prem BWS Portal has no internet access, you can use our sample script to upload your signed usage report and import the new protection key via the BWS management APIs on your on-prem BWS Portal and the BioID BWS Portal.

Manual license renewal

If you want to carry out the process manually, you can click on the 'Get Signed Usage Report' button in your BWS portal under Settings → Management. The usage report is then copied to the clipboard.

Then go to the BioID BWS Portal (Cloud) and upload the usage report to your client (on-prem installation) using the 'Upload usage report of your on-prem installation' button.

Then click on the 'Update client' button. The dialog now contains the new protection key. Copy this key by clicking on the 'Copy protection key' button. Now import the new Protection key into your BWSPortal-OnPrem Settings → Management by clicking on the 'Insert protection Key' button. The expiry date should now have been extended.