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gRPC is a high-performance Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework that uses HTTP/2 and service- and message-contracts to create high-performance services. As gRPC uses Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) for its interface definition and message interchange format, our new BWS API is defined with a Protobuf service definition file.

You can download the Protobuf file 'bws.proto' to integrate it into your BWS client software project. By using this Protobuf file, client code can be generated easily for C++, C#, Java, Python, Go, Ruby, Objective-C and other languages.

// Copyright 2024 BioID GmbH.
// Specification of the BioID Web Service (BWS) API 3.4.

syntax = "proto3";

option java_package = "";
option csharp_namespace = "BioID.Services";


// BioID Web Service definition.
service BioIDWebService {
    // Liveness-detection API
    // - 1 image: passive liveness detection only
    // - 2 images: passive and active liveness detection
    // - 2 images and tags: active liveness detection with challenge response
    rpc LivenessDetection (LivenessDetectionRequest) returns (LivenessDetectionResponse);
    // Video liveness-detection API
    rpc VideoLivenessDetection (VideoLivenessDetectionRequest) returns (LivenessDetectionResponse);
    // Photo-verification API
    rpc PhotoVerify (PhotoVerifyRequest) returns (PhotoVerifyResponse);

// Liveness detection input images.
message LivenessDetectionRequest {
    // The input image samples.
    repeated ImageData live_images = 1;

// Video liveness detection input video.
message VideoLivenessDetectionRequest {
    // The input video.
    bytes video = 1;

// Liveness detection output.
message LivenessDetectionResponse {
    // The return-status of the processing job.
    JobStatus status = 1;
    // Any error messages collected during processing.
    repeated JobError errors = 2;
    // Calculated image properties for each of the provided images in the given order.
    repeated ImageProperties image_properties = 3;
    // The liveness decision.
    bool live = 4;
    // The calculated liveness score that led to the live decision.
    double liveness_score = 5;

// Photo-verification input images and flags.
message PhotoVerifyRequest {
    // One or more live images.
    repeated ImageData live_images = 1;
    // The ID-photo image.
    bytes photo = 2;
    // Flag to switch off LivenessDetection which is enabled by default.
    bool disable_liveness_detection = 3;

// Photo-verification output.
message PhotoVerifyResponse {
    // The return-status of the processing job.
    JobStatus status = 1;
    // Any error messages collected during processing.
    repeated JobError errors = 2;
    // Calculated image properties for each of the provided live images if available.
    repeated ImageProperties image_properties = 3;
    // Calculated image properties for the provided photo.
    ImageProperties photo_properties = 4;
    // The determined verification level.
    AccuracyLevel verification_level = 5;
    // The calculated verification score that led to the decision for the verification level.
    double verification_score = 6;
    // In case a liveness detection was performed, here is the liveness decision.
    bool live = 7;
    // The calculated liveness score that led to the live decision.
    double liveness_score = 8;

    // Verification accuracy levels.
    // We recommend not to accept verified persons with low verification levels.
    enum AccuracyLevel {
        // The person has not be recognized at all.
        NOT_RECOGNIZED = 0;
        // Worst accuracy level that correlates with a FAR of 0.5%
        LEVEL_1 = 1;
        // Bad accuracy level that correlates with a FAR of 0.1%
        LEVEL_2 = 2;
        // Not so good accuracy level that correlates with a FAR of 0.01%
        LEVEL_3 = 3;
        // Good accuracy level that correlates with a FAR of 0.001%
        LEVEL_4 = 4;
        // Best accuracy level that correlates with a FAR of 0.0001%
        LEVEL_5 = 5;

// Possible returned job status values.
enum JobStatus {
    // The job finished successfully.
    SUCCEEDED = 0;
    // The job has been aborted due to one or more errors.
    FAULTED = 1;
    // The job has been cancelled.
    CANCELLED = 2;

// Errors collected with BWS jobs.
message JobError {
    // The error-code identifying the reported error message.
    string error_code = 1;
    // The error message describing the error.
    string message = 2;

// Sample containing an image and some optional tags associated with this image sample.
message ImageData {
    // The image.
    bytes image = 1;
    // Optional list of tags associated with this image.
    repeated string tags = 2;

// Calculated properties from a single input image.
message ImageProperties {
    // Rotation of the input image. 
    // If not 0, the coordinates relate to an image rotated clockwise by this amount of degrees.
    int32 rotated = 1;
    // List of faces found in the image.
    repeated Face faces = 2;
    // An optionally calculated quality assessment score.
    double quality_score = 3;
    // List of quality checks and other checks performed.
    repeated QualityAssessment quality_assessments = 4;
    // Optional frame number in case the input was a video.
    int32 frame_number = 5;

// Informational messages collected with BWS jobs during processing of an image to give feedback to users.
message QualityAssessment {
    // The quality check performed.
    string check = 1;
    // The outcome of the quality check. A score int the range [0.0, 1.0].
    // The higher the value, the better the check was passed. 
    double score = 2;
    // A text with additional info about this quality assessment.
    string message = 3;

// Describes some landmarks of a found face within an image together with some optional scores generated by additional DCNNs.
// Important note: It is assumed that the face image is mirrored, i.e. the right eye is on the left side of the image and vice versa!
message Face {
    PointD left_eye = 2; 
    PointD right_eye = 3;
    double texture_liveness_score = 11;
    double motion_liveness_score = 12;
    double movement_direction = 13;
message PointD {
    double x = 1;
    double y = 2;